September 14, 2012

What Inspires me...

Anything beautiful always inspires me. Anything that brings a smile on my face inspires me.. That which makes me go awe inspires me.. People, Nature, things.. everything has some part of inspiration...

I am surrounded with good people.. thats so fortunate.. I have these two friends L and C.. who tirelessly help others. They never say no, never give up, they go out of their way to help others.. Inspiration starts here by learning from these people..

A good book is a good friend. Recently I have started reading this wonderful book called Ponniyin Selvan.. It is a historical novel which centers on a number of real historical characters and incidents.. Am just in the begining of the story and am already in awe and dumstruck reading about the wealth of our country those days.. and how the author explains about wealth in a very poetic way... Inspired to learn more on our history... Wanted to write a separate post for this book... Hats off to the Author Kalki...

Nature is the best thing to get inspiration... Anything colourful is a great inspiration.. The green of the grass, the yellow of a flower.. how much ever we keep damaging nature, it still gives back the good things to us... should this not be an inspiration.. I leave it to you all...

March 04, 2011


As I walk back home, cross the regular bakery as usual there strikes the smell of freshly bakes. Immediately the sudden craving to have a pineapple tart, or a waffle, a muffin, the regular vanilla cake sweeps me across. I immediately pull my friend to the bakery and though we know we cannot eat the entire big box, end up buying what we crave. Trying to compare apple to apple and orange to orange, we start wondering why do women have this strange craving after still we are mature to know, eating junk calorie food at the wrong time is really bad for health... We discuss this on our way back home stuffing our mouths with what we happily splurged on.

Crushing my brain on why this sudden craving comes in women and after few pages browsed for knowledge gain, i found out few facts... A big quota goes to lack of healthy nutrition.. bravo... Women crave for Sugar or carbohydrates not because of eating disorders (phewwww) but because of the harmonal imbalance. The sudden craving to have a huge chunk of icecream, chocolate bars, a big bag of potato chips (yummm ... harmonal imbalance... what the heck :)) jumps in.

We overwork, stress ourself, sit in front of the computers for continuous periods, get dehydrated, lose track of time and eat at irregular timing... I understand people, you all know this but did you all take steps to change it... Let me give u all my gyan.. (hey.. dont ask me if i follow.. Advices are given to people not to be followed)

When you have the sudden craving to eat chocolate or icecream for that matter dont restrict the craving, go ahead have a small piece of icecream or a few mouthfulls of icecream. Restricting the craving that moment leads to holding the craving in your self and finally eating a big bar or a big bucket of icecream later. Whos affected now. See my point. So always dont restrict. Indulge.. Oh I mean eat right quantity.

Keep drinking water every hour and keep your body hydrated.

Eat at regular intervals. Have a healthy snack around, keep fruits, veggies around. An apple a day ... keeps the doctor away... Distract yourself from the craving. Cheat it by picking the phone talking to your friend, family. Dont discuss about ur craving ;) Wait till your craving goes.

Here comes the big one, Exercise. Do meditation, yoga, keep your body in your control. Dont fall for your bodys control. And by then finally you would have overcome the craving.

Am feeling happy. Am saving the world from cravings... The choco pies and the Dairy milk in my fridge have a smirk on their face and i honestly dont know why...

January 13, 2011

Self Marketing

When is that we start noticing about a person ? They are smart, handsome, prestty and finally when they make themselves presentable. That goes for looks. But dont you think the same goes when you are at work. People, its not about dressing up and going for work but the work you do.

When we were in schools and colleges, Self dabba was called a bad attitude. Priding about what one knows or about marks or achievements to others were considered an attitude. They call them the person with pride and ask us not to get ideas from them. Down the lane we grow up with the same idea and enter the Corporate industry. Getting aquainted to new rules, new boss, new friends and none of them know about what you are capable of.

Slowy years pass by and you gain experience and friends as in colleagues and boss come to know what you do, but dont pride about it. We had parents to pride our work when we were kids not us (No Self Dabba remember). You dont update your resume where you are supposed to keep track of your work. And there comes a day, where you are tired of your company, no self dabba so you get tired of the work you do, no change in position, you leave the company. New job, new colleagues and new boss. Resume is updated (Theory part is done) but they dont know how you exactly work (Practical abi baki hai mere dost). Yes it takes time to prove yourself to them and before that here comes self marketing. The once restricted, bad attitude Self Dabba comes handy. But you are not aware of how to do it. Learn children learn.

One of my good friend told me, no self dabba, you are just one in those millions who try to prove themselves. No one is asking to boast about yourself, but just put it in a subtle way of what you know and what you have achieved. How do you do it... Try setting up meetings with new boss and let them know your interest, way you would like to work, things that has helped you achieve better and how you woould like to bring that into the current set up. Be more sociable, talk in meetings and give your ideas, dont shy away. When there are topics that you are strong in, give them what you know. Let people know about your presence. Self dabba becomes Self marketing.

You should know to Sell yourself... Thats the present Darwins theory... Survival of the fittest

December 30, 2010

2010 recap...

This year has been a good bumpy ride and i enjoyed every bit of it. Here are a few i just wanna share...

1. I shifted into a condo... :) with big grin in my face.. which means i get to live in luxury.. I use it or not use it.. is a big question.. but i get access to pool, gym, shuttle court, tennis court.. isn't it cool though.
2. My biggest buy was the Dior watch for which I spent a few hundred dollars.. but was thrilled when i got it for a 50% sale .. grin again :)
3. My bro got married with a girl who has got the same name as mine.. Weird.. but she turns out to be a sweetheart.
4. My friends son calls me Aunty V (thought of joining the spy agency) but then he starts calling me Vidhya Aunty (Spy agency loses me)
5. I got my new iphone for Freeeeeeee (yes really freee) Thanks to my everlasting points that helped.
6. Mom turns 60...
7. My project went live and am so thrilled.. my design worksssssss.. grinnnnnnn again
8. I get to hear my friends daughter who is just 6 years old say "Awesome"... wondering when was it i learnt that word.
9. Two of my best friends visit me at home, stay over. We had the best girls day out doing shopping, gossiping, sleeping, roaming, eating and finally getting tired. But that was way Awesome.. Yeaayyy i get to use this word too :)
10. Watched the midnight show of Endhiran on the day of release.
11. Singapore turns to be a cool place... Cool as in the weather. and am enjoying the weather.
12. Am back to drinking coffee again from Tea.
13. My besttttt friend is getting married to one close friend next year. I was in fullllll grin when i heard the news. (Grin as in Grinnnnnnnnnnnnnn)
14. Mom dads visit makes life happier. Home cooked food, morning afternoon night.. round the clock, eating mom made savories, someone to pamper me...

So what more can i tell you all except.. Have a blasting new year.. Make more resolutions, break 'em... See ya all next year children...

July 07, 2010

An amazing place called TVS...

My school life in TVS started from my 3rd standard . Thrilled was i when i joined this school, Such a big campus, teachers who were more like friends, no restrictions, equal attention given for co-curricular activities.

Wow as i pen down my thoughts, i am taken back into those days where we used to take the school bus, the excitement on reaching school before the other bus reaches. (Now i guess there are more than 10 buses) whoa... way to go people.. the corridor plays before the class started, how many of you skated with your shoes and had races with the guys... i have people.. typical of me... the class tests, the section fights between the guys, the key word test our history mam used to give (I used to be her pet too), the drawing class in the craft hall, our french classes taken by our principal, CCA, Friday assembly, Volley ball classes, bunking classes for dance practise, Fortnight Test with five subjects on the same day, no bunking classes the previous day of the fortnight test, awaiting new joiners every year, the post lunch coconut burfi fight, cycle stand talks, bus stand talks, talks talks talks.. phewwwwww.. lots lots lots to write.. Dont you even give that finally-we-escaped-smile... There are very few schools where the students are given freedom to express their thoughts, to play around, to bring out talents. And mine was one toooo....

Every year we used to have fire crackers being burst by some mysterious, whacky, intelligent guys in some empty class room, or near the staircases when our classes are going on. Come on don't give me that look, what do you call them when you can't even find who had done it. When you go to that place you can find different means they had used to burst it, but all well planned. Our classes will be half way and teachers would have gone to investigate.. and whoaa.. we are freee... Every year during the board exams, we had always topped the state. Just makes me so so so proud to have studied there. Ok dont ask me now.. All the teachers had always been friendly, which makes me wonder had i ever been afraid of my teachers.. well the answer is.. naaaaaaaa.... but we did hold enough respect for them though...

Whenever we had a family get together, we used to have fights amongst cousins on whose school was the best... So much to talk about our school... What makes it more special is the Alumini we have in our school. Though its been years that I completed school.. the moment someone is gonna say LOSA that lits up a light in my eye. Meeting up with old friends and conducting a three day meet and organising competitions between the schools of the current generation, is no joke. It brings us back together, collecting funds, organising things, sticking posters during midnight and sitting in your old class, your labs I tell you... gives me goosebumps now. No jokes, it always brings in wonderful memories as the saying goes.. Memories have wonderful ways of bringing back favourite yesterdays.. and my school days always remain my favourite yesterdays...
As we always say, to whichever part of the world you go.. you end up meeting a person who had studied in TVS.... I can write on and on about my school.. but naaah.. sometime later... I will be back...