June 05, 2009

Think Tank

This was the name of meeting rooms in one of the banks, when i had been to Zurich. Was so much impressed with the naming shtyle they had followed. Adhavathu literally "yosikum thotti" hahaha.. kudos to me with my translating abilities

Reminds me of a joke we tell about Sards. There was once this Sard who was writing an english exam. The question was "Write the past tense of Think". The Sard comes out and tells his friend on how he answered the question. "Aree yaarr.. i thought thought thought and wrote Thunk" (Think , Thank and Thunk)... aha.. ena oru moolai...

Whenever my Friend G asks , "Machi what are you doing not answering my question?" and if am gonna say "Thinking!!".. He gives me this laugh and says.. Machi.. its not your kinda job... i know so humiliating... i give him the thapichi-po-intha-thadavai-looks... we end up bursting out with our usual laughs...

Don't ask me why i ended up writing this topic.. iam still thinking...

June 04, 2009

My new Foot Spa Massager

Yeaaaaiiiii.. i got my new foot spa massager.. yes yes you heard it right.. i have been eyeing it for a very long time and today couldnt resist it as my legs get elephant tired (how long do we say dog tired.. summa oru changeeeku hehehe) after long walks. Really i walk a lot these days. And cutting the biggest story short, the massager seems to be working fine. After reading all those scary warnings of put-your-leg-only-when-massager-is-plugged it finally did serve the purpose.

People who want free foot massaging are welcome home. No one can be as hospitable than me :)

June 03, 2009

At Random

What have I been doing for the past few days... Honestly speaking these days i wake up so early on Saturdays and Sundays.. What the hell happened to me. The Very sleepy me has gone and here comes the very brisk me who wakes up at 8 in the morning and dragging me to make a cup of coffee... kudos to me.. (nana than solanum.. neenga solamateenga hmmm)
Getting aspired day by day to start working out and reduce my tummy... wht the heck :) everywhere you turn around people walk with flat tummies and shouldnt you get inspired by them... making fun of the language here alone doesnt help. get inspired go gal...
The great Singapor Sale is on and my hand is arichifying like now imagine sorinju sorinju, i dont have a hand at all. So i decided to give my help to the sotres and save them from recession. ena kanravinu neenga thitarathu kekuthu. So konjam dollars Espirit ku eluthi vaichachu. And btw i was happy that i got a Espirt card a few of the vouchers free.. haiya.. finally i did get benefit from them.
Happened to read the Coconut chutneys blog became an immediate fan of her. Chennainu yarachum solatum nan avanga fan. This gal seems to be such a cutie in writing and that too such a young age.. wow i envy you gal...
Of all the important things, ulaga makkaluku ena solika virumbarena i have become the Athai. Yes please dont run your wild imaginations, my cousin has become amma and me the Athai. Waiting to take my marumagan in my hands and say maplai.. epadi iruka.. got to wait for days to do that.

Rightu.. let me take a break and meet you all soon...