December 30, 2010

2010 recap...

This year has been a good bumpy ride and i enjoyed every bit of it. Here are a few i just wanna share...

1. I shifted into a condo... :) with big grin in my face.. which means i get to live in luxury.. I use it or not use it.. is a big question.. but i get access to pool, gym, shuttle court, tennis court.. isn't it cool though.
2. My biggest buy was the Dior watch for which I spent a few hundred dollars.. but was thrilled when i got it for a 50% sale .. grin again :)
3. My bro got married with a girl who has got the same name as mine.. Weird.. but she turns out to be a sweetheart.
4. My friends son calls me Aunty V (thought of joining the spy agency) but then he starts calling me Vidhya Aunty (Spy agency loses me)
5. I got my new iphone for Freeeeeeee (yes really freee) Thanks to my everlasting points that helped.
6. Mom turns 60...
7. My project went live and am so thrilled.. my design worksssssss.. grinnnnnnn again
8. I get to hear my friends daughter who is just 6 years old say "Awesome"... wondering when was it i learnt that word.
9. Two of my best friends visit me at home, stay over. We had the best girls day out doing shopping, gossiping, sleeping, roaming, eating and finally getting tired. But that was way Awesome.. Yeaayyy i get to use this word too :)
10. Watched the midnight show of Endhiran on the day of release.
11. Singapore turns to be a cool place... Cool as in the weather. and am enjoying the weather.
12. Am back to drinking coffee again from Tea.
13. My besttttt friend is getting married to one close friend next year. I was in fullllll grin when i heard the news. (Grin as in Grinnnnnnnnnnnnnn)
14. Mom dads visit makes life happier. Home cooked food, morning afternoon night.. round the clock, eating mom made savories, someone to pamper me...

So what more can i tell you all except.. Have a blasting new year.. Make more resolutions, break 'em... See ya all next year children...

July 07, 2010

An amazing place called TVS...

My school life in TVS started from my 3rd standard . Thrilled was i when i joined this school, Such a big campus, teachers who were more like friends, no restrictions, equal attention given for co-curricular activities.

Wow as i pen down my thoughts, i am taken back into those days where we used to take the school bus, the excitement on reaching school before the other bus reaches. (Now i guess there are more than 10 buses) whoa... way to go people.. the corridor plays before the class started, how many of you skated with your shoes and had races with the guys... i have people.. typical of me... the class tests, the section fights between the guys, the key word test our history mam used to give (I used to be her pet too), the drawing class in the craft hall, our french classes taken by our principal, CCA, Friday assembly, Volley ball classes, bunking classes for dance practise, Fortnight Test with five subjects on the same day, no bunking classes the previous day of the fortnight test, awaiting new joiners every year, the post lunch coconut burfi fight, cycle stand talks, bus stand talks, talks talks talks.. phewwwwww.. lots lots lots to write.. Dont you even give that finally-we-escaped-smile... There are very few schools where the students are given freedom to express their thoughts, to play around, to bring out talents. And mine was one toooo....

Every year we used to have fire crackers being burst by some mysterious, whacky, intelligent guys in some empty class room, or near the staircases when our classes are going on. Come on don't give me that look, what do you call them when you can't even find who had done it. When you go to that place you can find different means they had used to burst it, but all well planned. Our classes will be half way and teachers would have gone to investigate.. and whoaa.. we are freee... Every year during the board exams, we had always topped the state. Just makes me so so so proud to have studied there. Ok dont ask me now.. All the teachers had always been friendly, which makes me wonder had i ever been afraid of my teachers.. well the answer is.. naaaaaaaa.... but we did hold enough respect for them though...

Whenever we had a family get together, we used to have fights amongst cousins on whose school was the best... So much to talk about our school... What makes it more special is the Alumini we have in our school. Though its been years that I completed school.. the moment someone is gonna say LOSA that lits up a light in my eye. Meeting up with old friends and conducting a three day meet and organising competitions between the schools of the current generation, is no joke. It brings us back together, collecting funds, organising things, sticking posters during midnight and sitting in your old class, your labs I tell you... gives me goosebumps now. No jokes, it always brings in wonderful memories as the saying goes.. Memories have wonderful ways of bringing back favourite yesterdays.. and my school days always remain my favourite yesterdays...
As we always say, to whichever part of the world you go.. you end up meeting a person who had studied in TVS.... I can write on and on about my school.. but naaah.. sometime later... I will be back...

June 25, 2010

Real Refresher..

Its a downpour, its raining Cats and dogs... whatever it is called, any day a rain can bring in a fresh mood. When you wake up in the morning and it is raining, what more do we need than to have a hot cup of tea and watch the rain. Yeah yeah i hear you say.. we-have-heard-this-earlier-sigh, but this is my blog and i can say what i want... so i continue :)
I just love the rains, when there had been times when it rains and people wait for it to stop so that they can ride their bike without getting drenched, I had always loved getting wet. Driven the bike in the rain, enjoyed each and every bit that falls on me. I know i know, i hear you say it can be dangerous at times when it really pours heavily, but the thrill is what you get. Your visibility gets reduced, but the joy of getting wet increases, the water on road being gushed on you by other vehicles gets increased. But hey... thats a lot of fun to experience people.. But so sad that the country i live in currently, if iam going to do such a thing, i might be claimed of disobeying the law... So no thrill in life.

But there are times when our dear own auto anna drops you in the middle of the road with water logged due to rain and still its raining, no other go... wade your way to office in that water guys.. As the famous penguin dialogue in The Madagascar, Smile and wave boys.. Smile and wave..

During a great downpour, just get out of the house and get wet in the rain. How many days will you still sit inside and enjoy the rain, get out and let loose people. Nah Nah am not talking about any manirathnam movie, try it out people, its worth a try. It feels really good at heart.

After the rain, just look at those fresh trees, the lovely rainbow, roads that are cleanly washed, and reflects the vehicles... isnt it a refresher, the cool breeze, the water shower from trees when you walk under them, everything around looks so refreshing...

So what are you waiting for, get wet in the next rain....

June 17, 2010

Things that you would love to do...

Have you ever wondered what you actually want to do ... rather than following the same old monotonous things that we are forced to do daily. What is that you would love to do. What is that when you do brings a real smile onto your face, without even wondering the what-the-heck-look by others.

Have you...

Eaten icecream dripping all over your dress, your face.. and still enjoyed finishing it...

Driven the bike in heavy rain, not bothering about the water that splashes on you leaving you drenched...

Ever wondered standing near a small plant wondering what it actually thinks ;)

Waited for the signal to turn green, though there are the excited bikemen ready to hit you and drive past you...

Though considered an adult, sat on the sand and made urself dirty till you see that black thing in you nails...

Given a gift to someone you love and made them feel so emotional that they feel special having you in their life...

Screamed at the topp of your voice just to show your happiness...

Ever sat back and thought how lucky we are to just even have the ability to speak when so many others are deprived of it...

Laughed out really loud and made the kid near you get scared of you...

If you have not.. try it out people.. you will feel really good at heart...

May 14, 2010


I don remember when exactly he entered my life... Was I happy, sad, did i feel a pang of jealousy that he will be sharing the love from all those who are dear to me... nope... I donot know. The moment i think of him, there comes a boy in his shorts, tucked in Tshirt, shoes , socks.. and a cute smile in his face. Ok cutting everyones imagination shorttttt... He is nonetheless my Smart B(r)other.

Like any normal brother & sister, we had our own physical fights (where both of us claim that we won... till now), mature fights (end up not talking for days) where he always comes back saying.. though you are wrong.. i ask for a sorry.. (this really irritates me more.) We grew up with me being a tomboy and him being shy. Moms pet is wht i say but mom refuses it saying, "Rendu perum enaku onnuthaan" ... as if i agree. When my friends used to come home, he was nowhere to be found and when his friends came home he wants me to be inside, when i happily chit chatted my way with all his friends. This is very very normal. Yeah Yeah i can hear you all sing a chorus. I had been quite rude to him at times, when i was really angry, but he has never taken it to heart and came back as if nothing happens. I do miss all those fights with him. Whenever there was a game being played during our childhood, he was always the "Uppuku chapani". He was brighter than me, anyday (but dad still believes am the best ;)) I don get it how he is in the software industry debugging codes. But whatever bright he is, he can never control his sleep. Have heard stories of him sleeping in classrooms from his school, till college days when the classes were going on and still continue to hear this story as he is leading a team in the corporate world. hahaha my revenge time.. wonderful i am loving it. I know now the entire vote is for my bro... wait till you reach the end. "Picture abhi baaki hai mere Dhost"

But as we grew up, and matured (ok stop giggling there Iam old enough now) my cousins were not spared, coz when both of us are together, we pull their legs and they end up saying next time we are not near you. As we started taking our own lives in separate roads, we got to talk more on mobile phones and less of meeting each other. As we are left with a wonderful saying "Memories have wonderful days of bringing back our favourite yesterdays" all the wonderful memories i share with my bro are priceless.

The love, the fight, tears, happiness everything is divided by three now. Yes here comes the first relation in our life and am so happy for him. Just love to see his happiness, his excitement, his craziness, also scared poor thing how is she gonna manage him.. :)

Wishing life's best for both of you dears... You both are close to everything now...