December 30, 2010

2010 recap...

This year has been a good bumpy ride and i enjoyed every bit of it. Here are a few i just wanna share...

1. I shifted into a condo... :) with big grin in my face.. which means i get to live in luxury.. I use it or not use it.. is a big question.. but i get access to pool, gym, shuttle court, tennis court.. isn't it cool though.
2. My biggest buy was the Dior watch for which I spent a few hundred dollars.. but was thrilled when i got it for a 50% sale .. grin again :)
3. My bro got married with a girl who has got the same name as mine.. Weird.. but she turns out to be a sweetheart.
4. My friends son calls me Aunty V (thought of joining the spy agency) but then he starts calling me Vidhya Aunty (Spy agency loses me)
5. I got my new iphone for Freeeeeeee (yes really freee) Thanks to my everlasting points that helped.
6. Mom turns 60...
7. My project went live and am so thrilled.. my design worksssssss.. grinnnnnnn again
8. I get to hear my friends daughter who is just 6 years old say "Awesome"... wondering when was it i learnt that word.
9. Two of my best friends visit me at home, stay over. We had the best girls day out doing shopping, gossiping, sleeping, roaming, eating and finally getting tired. But that was way Awesome.. Yeaayyy i get to use this word too :)
10. Watched the midnight show of Endhiran on the day of release.
11. Singapore turns to be a cool place... Cool as in the weather. and am enjoying the weather.
12. Am back to drinking coffee again from Tea.
13. My besttttt friend is getting married to one close friend next year. I was in fullllll grin when i heard the news. (Grin as in Grinnnnnnnnnnnnnn)
14. Mom dads visit makes life happier. Home cooked food, morning afternoon night.. round the clock, eating mom made savories, someone to pamper me...

So what more can i tell you all except.. Have a blasting new year.. Make more resolutions, break 'em... See ya all next year children...