As I walk back home, cross the regular bakery as usual there strikes the smell of freshly bakes. Immediately the sudden craving to have a pineapple tart, or a waffle, a muffin, the regular vanilla cake sweeps me across. I immediately pull my friend to the bakery and though we know we cannot eat the entire big box, end up buying what we crave. Trying to compare apple to apple and orange to orange, we start wondering why do women have this strange craving after still we are mature to know, eating junk calorie food at the wrong time is really bad for health... We discuss this on our way back home stuffing our mouths with what we happily splurged on.
Crushing my brain on why this sudden craving comes in women and after few pages browsed for knowledge gain, i found out few facts... A big quota goes to lack of healthy nutrition.. bravo... Women crave for Sugar or carbohydrates not because of eating disorders (phewwww) but because of the harmonal imbalance. The sudden craving to have a huge chunk of icecream, chocolate bars, a big bag of potato chips (yummm ... harmonal imbalance... what the heck :)) jumps in.
We overwork, stress ourself, sit in front of the computers for continuous periods, get dehydrated, lose track of time and eat at irregular timing... I understand people, you all know this but did you all take steps to change it... Let me give u all my gyan.. (hey.. dont ask me if i follow.. Advices are given to people not to be followed)
When you have the sudden craving to eat chocolate or icecream for that matter dont restrict the craving, go ahead have a small piece of icecream or a few mouthfulls of icecream. Restricting the craving that moment leads to holding the craving in your self and finally eating a big bar or a big bucket of icecream later. Whos affected now. See my point. So always dont restrict. Indulge.. Oh I mean eat right quantity.
Keep drinking water every hour and keep your body hydrated.
Eat at regular intervals. Have a healthy snack around, keep fruits, veggies around. An apple a day ... keeps the doctor away... Distract yourself from the craving. Cheat it by picking the phone talking to your friend, family. Dont discuss about ur craving ;) Wait till your craving goes.
Here comes the big one, Exercise. Do meditation, yoga, keep your body in your control. Dont fall for your bodys control. And by then finally you would have overcome the craving.
Am feeling happy. Am saving the world from cravings... The choco pies and the Dairy milk in my fridge have a smirk on their face and i honestly dont know why...