February 20, 2009


So long Chennaila irunthuruken.. and whts up.. no blogs about it.. here i come with my new stories... Happened to be in Chennai last week during Valentines day and voila.. Chennai has undergone a great change... The moment i landed in Chennai i was in sheer joy, First am gonna meet my friends.. and the second thing was Shopping... Whats more than shopping for a girl..

Just put down my bags in my friends house and then started straight for dinner at a famous hotel in chennai. Velavasi eririchu makale... A once 200Rs Buffet was charged 700 that day... so on second thoughts we went to the other restaurant in the same hotel... 700 eee.. parava ilanu ... we felt finally... A plate of kal dosai was charged 250 Rs.. ammadiyov.. wht the heck.. just pay for it.. and have the not so so tasty kal dosai... and we barged out of the hotel by 10.30 p.m. Even after all those Val day threats, people were flooding into the hotel. Being three girls we just had to take an auto back home and with lots of talking, gossiping, we had to get back to sleep.. We had a big day coming up... yeow... shopping...

Nothing can beat chennai when it comes to shopping... whao... Pantaloons, West side, City centre, Regal shoes, Landmark, omg... lots and lots.. My friends are never tired of me when i say shopping, though they give me this weird look of god-when-is-she-gonna-stop. West side had a great collection of kurtis, though my so so not shopping friends (who just got 3 sets of kurtis) said the collections were less. Managed to grab a few sets after one of my friend gave me this signal of are-u-going-to-try-them-or-do-i-leave look, we headed straight to the Regal footwear shop and brought down the whole store trying all the slippers, again after few hundreds lost from our purses we managed to enter city centre. The big sale... All the indianised kurtis and skirts that you dont get abroad... man it was a treat for me... trying all of 'em... watching all the beautiful girls... now i understand why there is a big lot of guy crowd just roaming around in city centre.

All sorts of crowd in city centre, from people who are seeing escalators for the first time in their life, the not so interested salesman, kids who are left alone when parents shop, the excited women, bored men (mainly husbands) say what.. i miss chennai a lot... With lots of shopping done had to leave chennai with a heavy heart..


Dheena said...

I truly second your views on chennai. Even after being away for more than 5 years from chennai the moment someone talks about chennai,Raj says my face gets a special "shine"!And when it comes to food no where in India we get better food out of home like we get in chennai.

கிரி said...

//A plate of kal dosai was charged 250 Rs//

பில்லை பார்த்தாலே சாப்பிடாது ஜீரணம் ஆகி இன்னொரு வாட்டி சாப்பிடனும் போல இருக்கே ;-)

//with lots of talking, gossiping//

அப்படி என்ன தான் பொண்ணுக குசுகுசுன்னு பேசுவீங்களோ ;-))))

//bored men (mainly husbands)//

அவனவன் பிரச்சனை அவனவனுக்கு ஹி ஹி

Srihari said...

Chennai has certainly changed a lot only on the aspects on food and Shopping...Nothing else has changed, not a bit.

Actually i was suprised to see so many restaurants having Multinational Cuisines..And the kind of live upto the standard...And you can get almost all the brands in chennai when it comes to shopping