June 17, 2010

Things that you would love to do...

Have you ever wondered what you actually want to do ... rather than following the same old monotonous things that we are forced to do daily. What is that you would love to do. What is that when you do brings a real smile onto your face, without even wondering the what-the-heck-look by others.

Have you...

Eaten icecream dripping all over your dress, your face.. and still enjoyed finishing it...

Driven the bike in heavy rain, not bothering about the water that splashes on you leaving you drenched...

Ever wondered standing near a small plant wondering what it actually thinks ;)

Waited for the signal to turn green, though there are the excited bikemen ready to hit you and drive past you...

Though considered an adult, sat on the sand and made urself dirty till you see that black thing in you nails...

Given a gift to someone you love and made them feel so emotional that they feel special having you in their life...

Screamed at the topp of your voice just to show your happiness...

Ever sat back and thought how lucky we are to just even have the ability to speak when so many others are deprived of it...

Laughed out really loud and made the kid near you get scared of you...

If you have not.. try it out people.. you will feel really good at heart...


Sugirox said...

How i wish i could do all those things:)

Arasi Raj said...

1. if only you wash my clothes..

2.I think i have done this several times....and luv it...

3.oh yea....i know what my plants think....."when are you gonna trim me and water me"...so i dont dare to go near them

4.i looked like stupid when i was actually passed by 20 other bikers

5.he he...Shhhhhh

6.i dont think so.....

7. i want to scream when I'm upset...

8. oh yes....a lot of times...I always think i have much better life than so many other ppl in this world

9.i'm not that loud to scare a little one